Why is there a new host on forged in fire
Why is there a new host on forged in fire

  1. #Why is there a new host on forged in fire cracked#
  2. #Why is there a new host on forged in fire full#
  3. #Why is there a new host on forged in fire series#

And I’ll take a rain check on those beers. “Don’t let Pan hear you saying that as if it’s a bad thing,” Hephaestus warned. This keeps up much longer, I’ll grow a tail and some horns.” I’ve eaten more wheat germ and kinds of grass in the past three weeks than most farm animals get in a lifetime. She’s gotten into this real health food kick and turned me into a guinea pig. “Aw, that sounds great, but I’ve already promised An that I’d be home for dinner. Want to catch the game afterwards? There’s some of that German beer you like so much left over from Dionysius’s last party.” “This’ll only take me a few more minutes. “If only all of my nephews were so grateful and easy-going,” Hephaestus said, reclaiming his seat and picking up his blow torch. “That’s exactly why you’re my favorite uncle, Heph,” Perseus grinned, slapping him on the back. I can fix all this up under the table, and I’ll only charge you for the parts. “It is your bike, after all, and you’re no worse for the wear. “There’s no real need for her to though, is there?” Hephaestus said casually. “The wife’ll kill me when she finds out.” Perseus sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his head with a grimace. It’ll be a hefty sum for the parts and quite a few days, to be sure.”

#Why is there a new host on forged in fire cracked#

You’ve cracked your tailpipe pretty good, and judging by the smell I’m guessing you did some damage to your gas tank, too. “Oh, I don’t know,” the mechanic mused, slipping his arms into the cuffs of his crutches and pushing himself to the bike for a closer inspection, the wiry muscles of his tanned forearms vivid against the white sleeves of his t-shirt and the pale titanium of his crutches. “How much is this particular repair gonna cost me?” “So, Heph,” Perseus said with his typical boyish smile, toying with the wrenches spread across the counter. He’s got a raging hatred for anyone foolish enough to own a Hummer.” “I’m surprised your father didn’t smite him down,” Hephaestus said with a chuckle. I was run off the road and into a construction site by a crazy man in a Hummer.” “Entirely not my fault this time, Heph, I swear. Perseus shrugged sheepishly, leaning his battered and scraped motorcycle against one of the garage’s support pillars. Hephaestus looked up, turning down the flame on his blow torch and flipping up his visor. Especially not when the more handsome and confident Ares was swaggering about, battering people and their emotions whenever the urge struck him.

why is there a new host on forged in fire

#Why is there a new host on forged in fire full#

How his legs had been ruined, how he had then been given Aphrodite as a wife, knowing full well that the Goddess of Beauty would never look twice at her cripple of a husband. Hestia wishes the others saw his true worth.Īnd again he cursed at how everything had come to be. Aphrodite wishes she could change that part of her she hates. Hephaestus is beginning to realize that things have to change. (Written for and dedicated to lotus0kid, for the suggestion of having Hephaestus/Hestia in the first place, and the awesome suggestions regarding Dionysius and Hestia's relationship. ENJOY!)įorged in the fires of loneliness, hephaestus/hestia & ares/aphrodite, pg-13 This particular installment is full of: angst, angry sex, doubt, more angst, and some slightly cheesy but HOPEFULLY satisfying drama/declarations. I'm also including a "cast list" at the beginning of the fic just as a refresher as to who's playing who. In order to fully appreciate these, be sure to look the casting picspam.

why is there a new host on forged in fire

#Why is there a new host on forged in fire series#

( AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is another in my series of "mythfics", to borrow the term from my darling etzyofi.

Why is there a new host on forged in fire